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Executive/Leadership Coaching:

What makes leaders successful?

  • They lead with vision.
  • They engage employees in pursing that vision.
  • They lead by example.
  • They lead through capturing the hearts and minds of those they lead.
  • They know their strengths and weaknesses.
  • They are at once transparent and humble.
  • They are inspirational and motivating.
  • They earn trust through actions as well as through words.
  • They leverage the strengths of their team to solve business problems and execute shared solutions.

Coaching Process:


Coaching begins with understanding “self”.  This is achieved through 360 assessments (surveys and/or interviews), as well as carefully selected assessment tools, including:

  • The Hogan Assessment Suite
  • The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
  • The FIRO-B, and others as appropriate to the situation

Development Plan:

Based on the assessment, a development plan is documented around specific behavioral objectives linked to business results.  This plan is shared with the leader’s manager, and progress is measured and shared over the duration of the coaching engagement.  The purpose of coaching is to assist the leader in developing a vision, developing his or her team, and defining some business goals that can be better achieved through a more effective leadership style.  New behaviors are identified and practiced throughout the coaching engagement.

Coaching Approach:

Coaching engagements typically last from 3-6 months.  Meetings are scheduled every one to two weeks depending on the schedule of the leader.  These meetings may be face-to-face, by phone, or using video conferencing such as Skype or FaceTime.  Additional meetings may be scheduled beyond the engagement to reinforce newly developed skills.

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